Friday, July 27, 2012

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men...

Just a short little note. My lovely toddler has been an ever increasing challenge this week and my brother is coming into to town (Yea!!), so I'm running behind.

I was not able to finish the scarf. In fact, in my very tired state, I actually messed up the pattern. That means I won't be sending it along to the intended recipient. (I'll just have to come up with another project for her. Oh well, it's already over half a year late. What's a few more weeks. *thuppt*)
Note to self for future projects:  If you are very tired, do not knit a patterned piece.

I was able to finish a CAV project despite being tired, distracted and busy. It's a gift for my brother and I'll be posting pictures of it, as well as the now mispatterned scarf on Saturday.
(After we handle removing, checking and possible replacing the starter in my car. Yep, just a little busy.)

Well, I really should get back to baking the 'Go-Big-or-Go-Home, Peanut Butter Truffle Brownies' for my Brother's birthday. (I'll have pictures of them as well. It's too bad the interwebs doesn't have smell-o-vision, cause they smell fantastic!)

GO USA!! I'm not a huge sports fan, but I really look forward to the Olympics. It's going to be a fun couple of weeks.

That about sums it up tonight. Pictures and another blog tomorrow.

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