Sunday, September 2, 2012

Study Bees Aren't Bloggy Bees or I'm a Day Late & Dollar Short

Can I just say that going back to school after not being in school for 10 years, is overwhelming. And I'm not even full time. Maybe it's the little human, but I'm thinking I'm just rusty. On top of it all I accidentally signed up for an 8 week class, instead of the normal 16 week class, so it's all accelerated. Seriously, I should know this, it's only like Rule Number 1 - Read the Lumping* Directions! In this case, Read the Glomping* Course Info!

This week I had a baby shower gift to complete. It turned into a two-parter because the Future Mama didn't know how they were going to decorate the soon-to-be Baby's room and I had a really good coupon I didn't want to go to waste. I had a couple of ideas but settled on the combo of my 'Go To' baby gift - The Woobie (aka Burp Cloth) and a super soft baby blanket to match the room's decor.

The Woobie
I found the tutorial below*** while I was pregnant with my daughter. I had all these scraps of random, but super cute Japanese fabrics and had no clue what I was going to do with them and this project seemed to fit the bill. I made like 6 for myself and then 3 for a friend who was also pregnant. I think a set of 3 of these is such a cute, nice, very useful gift. Let me explain why - you see The Woobie is a multi-tasker and when you have kids multi-taskers are a life saver. The Woobie is more then a spit up catcher, it's also a sun shade, an impromptu carrier blanket, a neck roll so their little heads don't get all crooked in their stroller, a peek a boo curtain and yes, even an emergency diaper. And when they get older it can be a security blanket, a doll blanket, or you can turn it into a purse or backpack. I love The Woobie. I wish there was an adult equivalent. Anyway.. The new parents are huge Disney fans so I found some cute Mickey fabric and whipped up 3 of those bad boys.

The Blanket
Initially I was going to make something besides a blanket, because you get so many blankets when you have a baby. It's like the only gift people think of if they know they are going DIY on the present. My search for something other than a blanket didn't really pan out, I just didn't see anything I really liked. I had dabbled with the idea of a Tab Blanket and making it in a Disney inspired shape, but the finished product seemed too small and tab blankets can't pull double duty anywhere, so I nixed the idea. Then I was going to make one of those Rice Bags**, but they have dogs and I was worried that it would get eaten. Then I got an offer for a free pattern and that pretty much sealed it. (link below****) Their theme turned out to be Monsters Inc. I was really hoping to find a blue fabric with purple polka dots, but I couldn't find one. I'm still limited by lack of transportation, so I can't really hunt around. Instead I settled for a fabric in the correct blue called Ultra Cuddle Fleece. Even the name sounds squishy and cozy. It really is soft. In fact my daughter kept stealing it while I was trying to cut it down to size.

Yuup, Helpin'

Totally Helping
I kept the blanket really simple for time reasons and because I figured they would use it more if it wasn't all fancified. All manner of disgusting things come out of newborns and I remember not wanting to use some of my gifts because I knew they would be ruined. Blankie is made of super soft fuzzy Sully Blue on one side, a soft cozy flannel Wazowski Green on the other and I trimmed it around with the Sully Spot Purple bias tape. It's big enough that they can wrap her up when they go out, drap it over the stroller/carrier, lay it on the floor for Tummy Time, plus when they convert the crib to a day bed it will just cover the mattress. But wait! there's more! - it's all machine washable. You gotta love the multi-taskers.

The Blog Fail
As I mentioned on Friday, I blanked on the photos of the gifts. I even brought my camera to the party so I could take a picture of her with it and didn't take one. *thuppt* Instead here's a picture of the left over fabric and the one Woobie I had to fix before I give it to her. Do you see the kind of week I had. Too bad you can't feel how soft that blue fabric is, you would totally forget that it's not a picture of my awesome blanket.
Now just imagine a totally cute blanket.
Here's Beanie on the way to the shower in her cute frog dress and polka dot tights playing in the dirt. Cause that's what 16 month olds do.
Dirt all over the front of your dress is cool at a party, right
Total This Week - 2 Craft Adventure Ventures 
Grand Total: 10.5 Craft Adventure Ventures 
41.5 Craft Adventure Ventures To Go!

Because I used so many techniques and tutorials to make these gifts I just lumped them all together in one place. It'll just be easier. With that said most of these I looked up originally for other projects and just used what I learned from them over & over. For instance, you can use bias tape for blankets, clothes, household items, costuming, it's pretty versatile stuff and knowing how to use it properly will save you headaches later. (I actually have a bias tape maker, but I haven't been brave enough to use it.)

Here's my favorite tutorial on using bias tape: (I think it's the popcicle stick faces. What can I say, I'm easy to amuse.)

For this blanket I copped out on my mitered corners. It just wasn't happening and I was starting to stress and when I'm stressed I make GIANT mistakes and cry.
Anyway here's a good tutorial on how to miter a corner while using bias tape. (So you don't cry.)

I had another bias tape tutorial, but somehow I lost it. Lame.

****Free Pattern!! I really like this website, lots of great information and you can take classes. I want to take a bunch of their classes, but I haven't had the time to set aside. Maybe over the semester break I'll sign up and take one. Or just sleep, either sounds great.
So, yeah, this is the tutorial that inspired the blanket. I've made blankets before, but the sizes always throw me. I have NO idea what size a blanket is supposed to be or how much fabric I need to make it happen. (One of the down sides from being self taught.) But this one sums it up nicely and gives you 3 options on top of it all.

Speaking of blanket sizes, look what I found today on Pinterest:
BAM! Blanket Sizes! It's like the Gods heard my crafting prayer. I am making so many blankets.

Wait, what about the Burp Cloths/Woobies? - Here you go, but seriously the internet is full of Burp Cloth Tutorials. These will definitely get you started.
***My Favorite or the one that started it all:
And a few more just in case:

I'm done now.  Stay Crafty!

*I'm trying to keep this blog PG so, feel free to insert any expletive you like best. 

** What the Lump is a Rice Bag? It's a little bag you sew and fill with rice and then sew a little sleeve around that. Then you can microwave it to put on your owies or you can throw it in the freezer to put on your boo-boos. They are actually really nice gifts for preggo ladies because near the end everything gets super achy and they make it feel better. They also help with swelling. Or at least they did for me.

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