Friday, July 13, 2012

Most Problems Arise from Too Many Choices

I truly can't believe it's been a week. Where ever does the time go?

Part 1 - I Hit A Snag
I was very excited to get cracking on the next Craft Adventure Venture this week. I was creating time to work on projects, getting organized and then.. I realized several of the CVA projects are gifts.

Which is an issue since one of the rules is that I have to photograph my projects as proof that I actually made something. Which wouldn't even matter if I wasn't planning on sharing this blog with others. But you see, I like the idea that there are friends, relations and complete strangers out there keeping me in check. That these companions on this whimsical craft journey are helping to make sure I do what I set out to do.
This blog exists to hold myself accountable for my projects and actual make progress on completing them. Hard to do that if it's just an online journal. I mean, honestly if I was just posting this for my own enjoyment, I'd have already logged off, made myself a chocolate malted milk and plunked my tired butt on the couch next to my hubby for a few hours of video gaming diversion. It sounds terrible, but there is a reason my loving spouse had to threaten my craft supply collection in order to get me motivated. If I had enough gumption on my own, I wouldn't need a blog to keep me on track.

Solution - Place holder photo. Since these are gifts I can take pictures of both the completed item and the wrapped gift. The wrapped gift picture will serve as a place holder until the person has received the item. Then, I'll go back & update the post. Or I'll make a completely separate post for gift items. I'm still working out the kinks. Either way, this is what I have come up with. (If you have a wonderfully clever option besides this one, I would love to take it into consideration. Please feel free to share away.)

Part 2 - Too Many Choices
When I realized that the gifts I needed to make, might not make good CAV projects, I was left with what CAV project to grapple with next. And I discovered, I have too many choices. I seriously spent an entire day running projects through my head. Weighing the pros & cons of each and considering that against the amount of time I could carve out this week to actually work them. By Tuesday night I was completely flummoxed. If I hadn't come up with the photo place holder idea, I don't think I would have an actual project to share this week.

Solution - Don't really have one yet. I'm in the process of coming up with a good way to handle this issue. Luckily for me, in the process of completing my friend's birthday gift, I was struck by inspiration and completed a few small projects in addition to completing the gift. Hooray!(And I got around to repairing a necklace my lil' Beanie broke)

Part 3 - New Rules
In the process of finishing the gift inspired pieces I realized that it wouldn't be fair to count them as whole projects because they literally took me 15 minutes to complete. This led to the creation of the new 60 Minute Rule. (da-da-daaaaa!)

For a Craft Adventure Venture project to count as one (1) whole and completed project - It must take 60 minutes or more to complete. A CAV project that took 30 minutes to 59 minutes to complete will count as half (1/2) of a project. And a CAV project that takes 1 to 29 minutes to complete is equal to a fourth (1/4) of a project.

One (1) 60+ minute project = 1 Craft Adventure Venture completed
Two (2) 30 minute projects = 1 Craft Adventure Venture completed
Four (4) 15 minute projects = 1 Craft Adventure Venture completed

Now without further ado.. Craft Adventure Venture project #3!

The Gift - See how cute that box is. I bet you can't wait to see what's inside.
This one took more time to find the components, than it did to create it. But now that I know where to get all the pieces, I may just make a whole mess of the silly things. 

Completion time - 10 minutes *shrug* Once I had everything it was super simple. And I think SUPER cute. I can't wait to share!

What is hiding in this cute little box?

Fandangle #1
I don't have a link for these projects.
I suggest typing  'Beaded Earring Tutorial' into a search engine of your choice and choose a person who doesn't annoy you. (You'd be wrong to think that was an easy option)
I like Threadbanger and Instructables. and Youtube have a bunch of good tutorials, also. It's actual a very simple project, as long as you have a bunch of beads and baubles that you like lying around. Otherwise you may be trapped in your craft store for a very long time. (See Part 2 of this blog)

Completion time - Less then 15 minutes

Available for purchase very soon!

Fandangle #2

Professor Flotsam's

Fandangle #3

Miscellanea & Trinkets

Four (4) 15 minute projects equaling 1 Craft Adventure Venture project. 
49 Craft Adventure Venture projects to go!

Note - The above parquetry will be available for purchase online at Professor Flotsam's Miscellanea & Trinkets very soon.

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